Arouse Rotation (2025)

1. Satisfyer Sweet Treat Rotating and vibration arouse the clitoris(Black)

  • Rotating soft silicone ribs arouse the clitoris with delicate yet firm intensity. Use this tender treat with your favorite lubricant and settle into a stimulating journey of ecstasy...

  • Buy Satisfyer Sweet Treat Rotating and vibration arouse the clitoris(Black) in CosmoStore online store. Product reviews and all goods Satisfyer with free and fast delivery to India.

2. “It's Different for Girls!” The Role of Anxiety, Physiological Arousal, and ...

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  • (1) Background: This study examines the role of subjective anxiety (mathematics and spatial anxiety), along with physiological responses, in mathematics or math and mental rotation performance in 131 German primary school students (65 girls, 66 boys; Mean age = 8.73 years). (2) Method: Students’ preference for math vs. German and their subjective anxiety were assessed using standardized questionnaires. Emotional reactivity was measured using the Galvanic Skin Response (GSR). Math performance was evaluated via percentage scored and completion times on number line estimation, word problems, and missing terms tasks. Spatial skills were assessed using a novel mental rotation task (nMRT) incorporating gender-congruent and -neutral stimuli. (3) Results: Girls outperformed boys on percentage scored on the math task but took longer to complete this. No gender differences were found in performance on the nMRT. Girls demonstrated higher math anxiety and were less likely to prefer math over German. Math anxiety predicted math scores and accuracy on the nMRT while gender predicted math performance and mental rotation response time. Subject preference was associated with longer completion times and emotional reactivity with longer response times. Girls’ preference for math and lower emotional reactivity was linked to shorter completion times, while lower math anxiety predicted higher scores. In contrast, these factors did not affect boys’ math performance. Additionally, subjective anxiety...

3. Strengthening spatial reasoning: elucidating the attentional and ...

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  • Spatial reasoning is a critical skill in many everyday tasks and in science, technology, engineering, and mathematics disciplines. The current study examined how training on mental rotation (a spatial reasoning task) impacts the completeness of an encoded representation and the ability to rotate the representation. We used a multisession, multimethod design with an active control group to determine how mental rotation ability impacts performance for a trained stimulus category and an untrained stimulus category. Participants in the experimental group (n = 18) showed greater improvement than the active control group (n = 18) on the mental rotation tasks. The number of saccades between objects decreased and saccade amplitude increased after training, suggesting that participants in the experimental group encoded more of the object and possibly had more complete mental representations after training. Functional magnetic resonance imaging data revealed distinct neural activation associated with mental rotation, notably in the right motor cortex and right lateral occipital cortex. These brain areas are often associated with rotation and encoding complete representations, respectively. Furthermore, logistic regression revealed that activation in these brain regions during the post-training scan significantly predicted training group assignment. Overall, the current study suggests that effective mental rotation training protocols should aim to improve the encoding and manipulation o...

4. Arouse the Memory of Large-Scale Video Generative Model for Multi ...

  • Mar 18, 2024 · To this end, we generate a video of rendered images by rotating the camera around each 3D object in the G-Objaverse dataset [qiu2023richdreamer] ...

  • First Author 11 0000-1111-2222-3333    Second Author 2233 1111-2222-3333-4444    Third Author 33 2222–3333-4444-5555

5. Motor imagery and music : a function of arousal?

  • ... rotation of bodily-related pictures. 30 Sports Science students completed this mental rotation of body pictures task after exposure to three different ...

  • Home » Islandora Repository » Western Sydney University Research Collection

6. Amphetamine, arousal, and human vestibular nystagmus.

  • A normal clinical dosage of amphetamine and a placebo were administered to groups of rotationnaive and rotation-experienced subjects by the double-blind ...

  • A normal clinical dosage of amphetamine and a placebo were administered to groups of rotationnaive and rotation-experienced subjects by the double-blind method, and there were indications that the drug and mental activity may facilitate secondary nystagmus, especially with naive subjects. Abstract : A normal clinical dosage of amphetamine and a placebo were administered to groups of rotationnaive and rotation-experienced subjects by the double-blind method. The drug produced significant effects on pulse rate and systolic blood pressure. However, it did not significantly affect the slow-phase velocity of vestibular nystagmus during the first 30 seconds of response to a rotatory stimulus 4.15 degrees/sq sec applied for 13 seconds under conditions of mental activity and mental relaxation. In agreement with other studies, the mentally active state resulted in greater output and longer durations of nystagmus than did the relaxed state. Amphetamine produced significantly longer reactions than the placebo, tending to affect nystagmus more when subjects were relaxed. There were indications that the drug and mental activity may facilitate secondary nystagmus, especially with naive subjects. (Author)

7. A Public Database of Immersive VR Videos with Corresponding Ratings ...

  • Dec 4, 2017 · A Public Database of Immersive VR Videos with Corresponding Ratings of Arousal ... Most VR systems allow a user to have a full 360° head rotation ...

  • Virtual reality (VR) has been proposed as a methodological tool to study the basic science of psychology and other fields. One key advantage of VR is that sh...

8. [PDF] Manipulation of Arousal and Its Effects on Human Vestibular Nystagmus ...

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Arouse Rotation (2025)
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Author: Dong Thiel

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Name: Dong Thiel

Birthday: 2001-07-14

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Hobby: Graffiti, Foreign language learning, Gambling, Metalworking, Rowing, Sculling, Sewing

Introduction: My name is Dong Thiel, I am a brainy, happy, tasty, lively, splendid, talented, cooperative person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.